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Alia Vera



Born in Lima, Peru

Studied Architecture at UofA, Design Studies & Studio Practice at SJSU.

She moved to California with her family in 1993.  After graduating from Santa Clara High School, she continued her education in Foothill College where she earned an Associate of Arts in Multicultural Speech Communication in 2001.  Then, she transferred to San Jose State University where she double major in 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Practice with concentration in Photography and a Bachelor of Arts in Design with concentration in Graphic Design. After working for a few years she went back to school to continue her interrupted education in Architecture from when she was a freshman in college.  Now, she earned her Master in Architecture in May 2013 from the University of Arizona..​

Her work shows her versatile skills.  In photography alone, she has experience with different mediums: black & white photography, color photography, cyanotypes, van dykes, gum bichromates, digital, commercial, and more.  She focuses on effective visual communication when creating her pieces.   Her pieces of work show either a personal interest, which are usually about capturing human behaviors, and feelings, or about assigned subjects.  Either way, she loves communicating visually and would continue to do so for years. And in architecture, she continues improving her 2-D visual skils along with learning 3-D skills and introducing sustainable properties to her projects.


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